Step-by-Step Tutorial: Deploy Node.js and MongoDB to AWS ECS with SonarQube CI/CD Integration

AWS ECS with SonarQube

Integrating a Node.js application with MongoDB into AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) and incorporating SonarQube for code quality checks within a CI/CD pipeline involves several steps. Here’s an outline of the process, including sample code snippets to get you started.

Step 1: Containerize the Node.js Application

  1. Create a Dockerfile in the root of your Node.js project. This file defines the environment for running your application.
# Use an official Node runtime as a parent image
FROM node:14

# Set the working directory in the container
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Copy the current directory contents into the container at WORKDIR
COPY . .

# Install any needed packages specified in package.json
RUN npm install

# Make port 3000 available to the world outside this container

# Define environment variable

# Run app.js when the container launches
CMD ["node", "app.js"]

Step 2:Build your Docker image using the following command:

docker build -t my-nodejs-app .

Step 2: Push the Docker Image to a Repository

  1. Tag your image to match your repository name.
docker tag my-nodejs-app:latest myrepository/my-nodejs-app:latest

2.Push your Docker image to a container registry like Docker Hub or AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry).

docker push myrepository/my-nodejs-app:latest

Step 3: Create a MongoDB Instance

You can use a managed MongoDB service like Amazon DocumentDB or MongoDB Atlas, or you can containerize MongoDB yourself.

You can use a managed MongoDB service like Amazon DocumentDB or MongoDB Atlas, or you can containerize MongoDB yourself.

Step 4: Set Up AWS ECS

  1. Create an ECS cluster.
  2. Define a task definition that includes your Node.js application and (optionally) your MongoDB container if you’re not using a managed service.
  3. Configure a service within the ECS cluster to run and manage the tasks.

Step 5: Set Up CI/CD Pipeline with AWS CodePipeline

  1. Source Stage: Use CodeCommit, GitHub, or Bitbucket as your source repository.
  2. Build Stage: Use AWS CodeBuild to build your Docker image and push it to ECR. Here you can also integrate SonarQube for code quality checks.BuildSpec.yml example for AWS CodeBuild:
version: 0.2
      - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
      - $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
      - REPOSITORY_URI=your_ecr_repository_url
      - IMAGE_TAG=${COMMIT_HASH:=latest}
      - echo Build started on `date`
      - echo Building the Docker image...
      - docker build -t $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG .
      - echo Build completed on `date`
      - echo Pushing the Docker image...
      - docker push $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG
      - echo Writing image definitions file...
      - printf '[{"name":"container-name","imageUri":"%s"}]' $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG > imagedefinitions.json
  files: imagedefinitions.json
  1. Deploy Stage: Use AWS ECS as the deployment provider. The imagedefinitions.json file created during the build stage will be used to update the ECS service with the new Docker image.

Step 6: Integrate SonarQube for Code Quality Checks

You can add a step in your buildspec.yml to run SonarQube analysis. This typically involves installing and configuring the SonarScanner CLI in your build environment and then running the scanner against your codebase.

      - echo Running SonarQube analysis...
      - sonar-scanner \
        -Dsonar.projectKey=my-nodejs-app \
        -Dsonar.sources=. \ \

Ensure that SonarQube is configured to analyze your project, and you have created a project key in SonarQube that matches what you specify in the buildspec.yml.

Please refer the github code and already hosted on the localmachine :

jaganrajagopal/DockercomposeNodejsMongodb: To create the docker compose with multiple container with Nodejs as frontend and Backend as Mongodb (

Nodejs on Local Machine with Mongodb database

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