7.10 Replication Rules on AWS S3

What are Replication Rules in AWS S3?

Replication rules in AWS S3 are a set of guidelines that enable automatic copying of objects from one bucket to another. This feature is essential for data backup, cross-region data access, and ensuring data availability and redundancy.

aws s3 bucket replication rules

Benefits of Using Replication Rules

  • Data Redundancy: Ensures data is replicated across different geographical locations for disaster recovery.
  • Improved Accessibility: Enhances data availability by replicating data to regions closer to end-users.
  • Compliance Requirements: Meets legal and compliance requirements by storing data in multiple regions.
  • Data Backup: Provides an automatic mechanism for backing up data.

Setting Up Replication Rules via AWS Management Console

  1. Log In to AWS Management Console:
    • Navigate to the S3 service in your AWS account.
  2. Select Source Bucket:
    • Choose the bucket from which you want to replicate data.
  3. Enable Versioning:
    • Ensure that versioning is enabled on both the source and destination buckets.
  4. Create Replication Rule:
    • In the bucket settings, click on the “Management” tab.
    • Find the “Replication” section and click “Add rule.”
    • Configure the rule:
      • Source: Specify which objects to replicate (all or a subset).
      • Destination: Choose the destination bucket and the storage class for the replicated objects.
      • Rule Name: Provide a name for your replication rule.
      • IAM Role: Choose or create an IAM role that gives S3 the permission to replicate objects on your behalf.
      • s3 bucket replication rules
  5. Review and Save:
    • Review your settings and create the replication rule.
    • Source Bucket files
    • replication on aws s3 source bucket

Destination Bucket files

s3 bucket on the destination file location

Configuring Replication Rules via AWS CLI

  1. Install and Configure AWS CLI:
    • Ensure AWS CLI is installed and configured with appropriate permissions.
  2. Create a Replication Configuration:
    • Use the put-bucket-replication command to set up a replication rule. Include the necessary information such as source and destination buckets, and the IAM role. For example:
aws s3api put-bucket-replication --bucket YOUR_SOURCE_BUCKET --replication-configuration '{
  "Role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name",
  "Rules": [
      "ID": "your-rule-id",
      "Status": "Enabled",
      "Priority": 1,
      "Filter": {"Prefix": ""},
      "Destination": {
        "Bucket": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_DESTINATION_BUCKET"

3.Verify the Replication Rule:

  • To confirm that your replication rule is in place, use:
aws s3api get-bucket-replication --bucket YOUR_SOURCE_BUCKET

Best Practices for S3 Replication Rules

  • Monitor Replication: Regularly check the replication status to ensure it’s working as expected.
  • Cross-Region Considerations: For cross-region replication, consider the data transfer costs and latency.
  • Security: Ensure the destination bucket has the necessary permissions and security measures in place.
  • Lifecycle Policies: Align lifecycle policies in both source and destination buckets to avoid unnecessary storage costs.


Replication rules in AWS S3 provide a powerful and flexible way to manage data replication across multiple buckets and regions. By setting up these rules through the AWS Management Console or the CLI, you can ensure data redundancy, meet compliance requirements, and improve data accessibility and backup processes.

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