7.9 Inventory Configurations on AWS S3

Inventory Configurations in AWS S3 are tools that help manage and report on the objects stored within your S3 buckets. They provide detailed reports about the objects’ size, encryption status, and other metadata, which is crucial for optimizing storage, managing lifecycle policies, and ensuring compliance.

Benefits of S3 Inventory

  • Visibility: Offers detailed insights into the types and characteristics of stored data.
  • Data Management: Assists in effective data management and lifecycle policies implementation.
  • Audit and Compliance: Facilitates audits and compliance checks by providing comprehensive data reports.

Setting Up Inventory Configurations via AWS Management Console

  1. Log In to AWS Management Console:
    • Access your AWS account and navigate to the S3 service.
  2. Select the Bucket:
    • Choose the bucket for which you want to configure inventory.
  3. Open the Management Tab:
    • In the bucket settings, click on the “Management” tab.
  4. Add a New Inventory Configuration:
    • Click on “Inventory” and then “Add new.”
    • Provide a name for the inventory and specify the following details:
      • Objects to Include: All objects or a filtered subset.
      • Destination Bucket: The bucket where inventory reports will be stored.
      • Output Format: Typically CSV or ORC.
      • Additional Fields: Choose which metadata to include (e.g., encryption status, size).
      • Frequency: How often the inventory should be updated (daily or weekly).
  5. aws_s3_inventory_configuration
  6. aws_s3_inventoryconfiguraiton
  7. Save the Configuration:
    • Review your settings and save the new inventory configuration.

Configuring Inventory via AWS CLI

  1. Install and Configure AWS CLI:
    • Ensure the AWS CLI is installed and properly configured.
  2. Create an Inventory Configuration:
    • Use the put-bucket-inventory-configuration command with the necessary parameters. For example:
aws s3api put-bucket-inventory-configuration --bucket YOUR_BUCKET_NAME --id YOUR_INVENTORY_ID --inventory-configuration '{
    "IsEnabled": true,
    "IncludedObjectVersions": "All",
    "Filter": {"Prefix": "prefix-if-applicable"},
    "Destination": {
        "S3BucketDestination": {
            "Format": "CSV",
            "Bucket": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_DESTINATION_BUCKET",
            "Prefix": "your-prefix",
            "Encryption": {"SSES3": {}}
    "Schedule": {"Frequency": "Daily"},
    "OptionalFields": ["Size", "LastModifiedDate", "StorageClass"]

3.Verify Configuration:

  • To confirm your inventory setup, use:
aws s3api get-bucket-inventory-configuration --bucket YOUR_BUCKET_NAME --id YOUR_INVENTORY_ID

Understanding Inventory Reports

  • Content: The reports include information like object key, version ID, size, and storage class.
  • Use Cases: Useful for tracking and auditing purposes, especially in large buckets with millions of objects.

Best Practices and Considerations

  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly check inventory reports for insights and necessary actions.
  • Security: Ensure the destination bucket for inventory reports has appropriate access controls.
  • Cost: Be mindful of the costs associated with inventory; frequent inventories on large buckets can add up.


Inventory Configurations in AWS S3 are essential for detailed visibility

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